Yarn Swap! Sunday February 23rd
January 15 2025 – Rebecca Glazier

Sunday February 23rd: Yarn Swap 4pm - 6pm
Join us on Sunday February 23rd any time between 4pm - 6pm for another edition of our Yarn Swap event.
*We will start collection and ticketing yarn at 3:45pm - Tables will 'open' for swapping at 4pm!*
What is a yarn swap?
Amongst friends and fellow knitters, a yarn swap is an exchange of yarns! A skein of something you no longer want to use for something they no longer want. It's a win-win and the yarn finds a new home!
A community yarn swap is a bigger treat!
To make these fibre exchanges fair and equitable to all previously loved and owned yarns, when you bring in your yarn to swap you will be given 'yarn tickets'. The amount of tickets for your yarn is based on its fibre content and whether it was commercial or hand dyed. (Think: cottons & poly blends, 1 ticket; natural fibre or LYS quality workhorse yarns, 2 tickets; hand-dyed, handspun or luxury blends 3 tickets)
Only full skeins in good condition will be accepted. Please no allergens (smells/ per hair) or evidence of moths (sand-like particles, loose/ cut ends).
To exchange yarn on the swap tables, just trade in your tickets! We will also offer tickets for sale for $2ea with all proceeds directed to our lovely non-profit neighbours, Aunt Leah's Society which offers programming to youth transitioning out of the foster care system. Over the past 5 swaps together we have raised a total of $3,166 in donations with these events!
We donate any of the leftover yarns to the free fibre libraries or other non-profit ventures via Baaad Anna's Community programs, and do not have the capacity to offer any returns/refunds on unused tickets, so maybe take that into consideration before exchanging your yarns for tickets.
This is meant as a fundraiser/fun-raiser, so assume participants will exchange in good faith, and then its just luck of the draw if things appeal to your fancy. But its a win-win as your previously-loved yarns will find a new home leaving space in your life for new fibre flames!
What space can you make in your stash?